All these watches & still no time ?πŸ˜•πŸ€”

With this being my first post I felt it would probably set the tone for the rest of my blog so for a while I pondered a topic I felt would be interesting, so here we are πŸ˜‚…

At this stage of our lives we’re (to a certain extent) expected to have a ‘plan’ for what we intend to do for the rest our lives & we find ourselves going from prison life (yes I’m talking about school), where you’re told what to do as well as when and how to do it to suddenly being deemed as capable of making your own decisions, so here you stand like a deer in headlights w/ the world in front of you, your family behind you ( smiling b/c their little Jane/Frikie is now a young adult) and you,in the middle, nervously wondering how 12 years of learning how to add numbers together, that love makes you do crazy things like fake your own death & drink poison and how to identify different animals by certain characteristics, has prepared you for this exciting yet terrifying thing called adulthood. Scary right ? I know πŸ˜₯

More often than none we find ourselves feeling pressured & slightly delayed when we can’t answer inquisitive Aunt Sally’s question of what our 20-year plan is and how long before she’ll be able to enjoy the comfort of being driven around by you in your new fancy car because I mean you’ve been out of school for a few years now so shouldn’t you be like a doctor or something?

As funny as these scenarios may sound too many of us find ourselves burdened w/ the pressure of TIMING. Besides our own aspirations and desires for what we want our adult lives to be like, the expectations from everyone around us causes us to feel inadequate if we find ourselves a little confused about what our ‘next move’ will be. Adding the fact that we live in a digital generation where every detail of our lives is simply a click away ( I’m guilty of this too) we’re often smacked in the face by the success of fellow young adults leaving us feeling like we should have accomplished something by now as well.

This is where (as mentioned above) we begin to put a time on everything, we begin comparing our lives and timelines to that of other people our age or around our age, we become so obssessed w/ wanting to live up to artificial standards that anything less sends us spiralling into a state of depression.

“Comparison is the thief of joy” – Theodore Roosevelt

ClichΓ© as it may be we tend to forget that we’re all different therefore we all move at different paces. Every lesson & challenge you face is meant to mould you & prepare you for YOUR true purpose; your destination. By nature our destinations differ from person to person so why do we expect our journies to be the same? How can we expect to build our OWN lives if we use someone else’s blueprint as a means of measuring our own success?

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it isn’t good to aspire to be something in life or even work hard towards it, I’m saying that while doing so don’t beat yourself up b/c things are not working out as fast as they are for your neighbour, don’t beat yourself up b/c you find yourself stumbling every now and then & falling victim to your human nature, it’s part of growing up, it’s part of the experience. With the correct mentality, faith & perseverance what’s meant for you will ALWAYS be for you, simply b/c it’ll have no option but to manifest.

Understand that whatever you sew, you reap, the thoughts you constantly plant in your mind, whether it be good or bad, eventually manifest into your reality.

So if no one has told you this today YOU’RE πŸ‘ DOING πŸ‘ GREAT πŸ‘ SWEETIEπŸ‘


Happy Friday x!

16 thoughts on “All these watches & still no time ?πŸ˜•πŸ€”

  1. This is frikkin lit, I’m really glad you started doing this, it’s so you. Keep at it, I look forward to seeing the next one πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸŒΈπŸŒˆ

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Relatibility at its bestπŸ‘Œ
    I admire you. Thank you for that. Honestly it’s what I needed to hear. It’s hard outchea and you make all of it feel achievable. Thank you❀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. All that you said is really true, thank you, all has been said.
    As people we’ve honestly lost our true selves trying to be the next person…but then its important to not let people bully us into their time frames of success, as well as into their way of living.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shan 😭❀️!!! I love it !! And it’s said everything one thinks about but never puts in words πŸ™πŸ½. Keep it going babygirl I know your support system will be endless and I wish you nothing but the best of what’s to come your way ❀️.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You have no clue how much i needed to hear this..
    This really has set the tone for your upcoming blogs. Cant wait for the next one.
    Huge thumbs up

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This relates to me so much . Everyday it bothers me that what if I don’t get my life together?? I think to myself that time is going so fast and yet I’m moving so slow….

    It just stresses me out . More and more each day


    1. I totally understand cause even at 20 I feel that way. Like I said before it’s only b/c we look at other people’s accomplishments and the time in which they’ve managed to do it and we use it as a means of measuring our success, we’ve become so caught up in comparing ourselves we actually lose focus of our own goals and it makes things worse, simply b/c everyone continues moving forward while we stay in the same place but ultimately everything will fall into place & we obviously won’t understand why things happen the way they do right now but once you accomplish the things you do, it’ll all make sense and that for me, in essence, is faith; not understanding why you’re experiencing certain difficulties but choosing to work through it b/c you know that everything that happens is meant to prepare you for God’s greater plan for you.

      I guess we just need to try not to spend so much time feeling left behind and pondering the things we don’t have that we forget to appreciate what we actually do have.


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